Sunday, October 26, 2014

The day in age where everyone is connected, ideas and emotions are transmitted quickly from one to another, and are branched of to more and more people. Are these ideas truly a look into one's own personal narrative though? Could it all be a front in order to show others, or even oneself, that they are truly happy or content? What a cynical way to look at things you may think, but my hopes are that these fronts that we put up for people to see will eventually deteriorate, and that social media feeds will fill with more than just posed pictures and cryptic comments. This is the same idea Barbara Erenreich has in her essay Bright Sided, how there is indeed an issue with the plastic positive barrier many Americans put themselves under, and that it undermines America. Don't get me wrong, I love my social media, but the communication is so washed over and shallow that the efficiency we all gather information from others is a bit redundant. Are what we see on Facebook and Twitter good representations of our societies happiness? God, I hope not. What we see there should be hoisted up and chucked out a window. No more mutual and mundane expressions of dull and drudging dialogue. Let's talk about real stuff, and let the real satisfaction sink in!